
Our Community
Our VAs come from varied backgrounds. This diversity is essential in fulfilling the unique needs of our customers.
We believe that we get what we pay for. If we pay peanuts to our VAs, we will get peanuts in return. We look after our VAs by providing them with decent pay and benefits. hitchVA offers cost-effective and skilled VAs, not the cheapest ones.
hitchVA is a community, not just a company.
Business achievement concept with happy businesswoman relaxing in office or hotel room, resting and raising fists with ambition looking forward to city building urban scene through glass window
hitchVA community is right for you if:
On the other hand, if you:
Then we are not the right community for you and that is perfectly fine.

Eager to learn more about how hitchVA works?
Read our FAQs (frequently asked questions).

If you are ready to take the next step, tell us about yourself and how we can make MORE happen.
What our VAs say about our Community
Be part of our growing VA Community

    Full Name


    Email Address

    City/Municipality of Location

    Age Range

    How many years of experience do you have as a virtual staff?

    Our VAs are responsible for their own computer/laptop, headphones/earphones, and reliable broadband of at least 10 MBPS. Do you have access to all of these?

    Are you able to commit to full-time work?

    If successful, how much notice do you require to start with us?

    What is your salary expectation in Php?

    Tell us about yourself in a few sentences. Why do you want to become a virtual staff?

    Resume (PDF only)

    Upload a 3-minute video introducing yourself, discussing your interests and strengths, sharing your knowledge about hitchVA, and explaining why you applied for this opportunity. limit to 2mb video file size only to upload in mp4 format.

    Job Posting Code