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Top Time Tracking Tools for Virtual Assistants

A time tracker can help you figure out how productive you are and how much you are getting paid for your work. Because many virtual assistant (VA) positions pay by the hour, clients will need a time tracker. You’ll need a way to show how much time you put in at work. For this purpose, time-tracking tool is ideal.

Here are the best time tracking apps you can use to keep track of your virtual assistant hours:


It is a basic time-tracking tool that uses a timesheet to track your attendance, productivity, and billable hours. You write what you’re working on at the top of the timesheet, then push the start button on the clock to begin a stopwatch.

If you like, you can bill the time after you’re done. Manually entering and editing hours is also an option. It’s also an excellent choice if you’re working on a project with others in a group because it’s simple to keep track of everyone’s progress. Over forty different web tools, including Trello and Asana, are integrated with it.

Note: There are no limits to the number of people who can use it, and it is always free. For 14 days, you may check out all PRO features for free, with no credit card necessary.

Time Doctor

It is a great solution for time tracking and payroll in one app. Clients can see how much time you spent on each activity, as well as the software and websites you used. The best part is that it interacts with other programs like Asana, Basecamp, Trello, and Salesforce.

Note: Time Doctor can be tried for 14 days for free with no credit card required.


This is another popular time-tracking alternative. It keeps track of how you spend your time and how productive you are. You may also use it to manage projects, such as storing data, keeping track of deadlines, and discussing tasks. Even if you go offline, such as if your internet connection goes down, Hubstaff keeps track of time.

Note: Hubstaff charges per-user/month and has programs for organizations of all sizes and industries.


This time tracking program assists you in organizing your projects by creating a list of to-dos and activities, as well as recording the time spent on each work. MyHours can handle all of your needs, whether you need to collaborate with a team or simply want to keep track of your spending to avoid going over budget. When it comes to productivity, efficiency, and organization, this platform is adaptable and a jack-of-all-trades.

Note: My Hours is available to teams of any size for free. Pro premium package comes with additional features like invoicing, admin controls and priority support.


TopTracker is a completely free alternative to consider. This is the platform you’ll want to use if a client requests explicit proof of your work. Timed screenshots, free invoicing, activity monitoring, and in-platform payments with Payoneer are just a few of the numerous features of this time tracker.

If you work in a team or use a project management system, it’s critical that your time tracker interfaces with the other applications you’re already using. In the long term, this will make things a lot easier for you.

No client likes to feel as if they are losing money as a result of your lack of organization or productivity. Using a time tracking application is a simple and ethical approach to ensure that you are compensated for your labor.

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